Q6: Which programming language is it?

Good morning to all hackers, geeks, nerds and programming languages fetishists ๐Ÿ˜€

At first I want to thank you for the last week. It was great for me and I hope it was fun to you too. I’m currently work on getting a prize for the winner of this little quiz, so I have to push Marco to get a positive feedback ๐Ÿ™‚ If anyone else want to spend some cool stuff send me a message ๐Ÿ˜‰

Please send your answers to: patrick.plattes@googlemail.com

All user with the right answer ’till 14pm will get the points, but the first one will get +5.

Type: full program
10 print โ€œhelloโ€
20 goto 10

Hint: Bill Gates wrote a famous letter to the developer community, cause they have โ€œstolenโ€ his program

Points got this challenge: -5