Yesterday a lot of people knew the answer to the challenge: it was BASIC. Shame on you! 😉
Today it will be very hard, but because of the prizes (and to show other people, that you are the best dev the world has seen) you should try it. I would be very happy if at least one person knows it. Probably you are able to manage it, but again, very challenging today 🙂
All user with the right ’till 14pm answer will get the points, but the first one will get +5.
Please send your answers to:
func cp(u int) float64 {
c := make(chan float64)
for p := 0; p <= u; p++ {
go term(c, float64(p))
fn := float64(0.0)
for p := 0; p <= u; p++ {
fn += <-c
return fn
func term(c chan float64, h float64) {
c <- 4 * math.Pow(-1, h) / (2*h + 1)
func main() {
Hint: There exists a board game with the same name, but this was not the reason to give the language this name.
Points got this challenge: 35