Q9: Which programming language is it?

The last but one question πŸ™‚ To give you the chance to change more on the results you’ll get a 25 point bonus today for the first answer. And ’cause the question is (hopefully) challenging 50 Points, but no hint ^^

Let me thank you again for participation it was a great and fun thing for me and it was so nice to see more people at Reply interested in development. Imho we are a technology company and dev skills are really important πŸ™‚

Please send your answers to: patrick.plattes@googlemail.com

All user with the right answer ’till 14pm will get the points, but the first one will get +25.

"uoy evol I" > v
              ^ _ @

Points: 50

Q8: Which programming language is it?

Hmmm.. yesterday I thought that go was very difficult to see, but unfortunately you are much better than I thought. Today I’m really sure it is 😈

All user with the right ’till 14pm answer will get the points, but the first one will get +5.

DO .10 <- #1
DO .11 <- !10$#1'~'#32767$#1'
DO .12 <- #1

Hint: GOTO is as descripted “Go To Statement Considered Harmful” from Edsger W. Dijkstra http://www.u.arizona.edu/~rubinson/copyright_violations/Go_To_Considered_Harmful.html a really harmful thing. In this language there is an interesting way to avoid it

Points got this challenge: 40

Q7: Which programming language is it?

Yesterday a lot of people knew the answer to the challenge: it was BASIC. Shame on you! πŸ˜‰

Today it will be very hard, but because of the prizes (and to show other people, that you are the best dev the world has seen) you should try it. I would be very happy if at least one person knows it. Probably you are able to manage it, but again, very challenging today πŸ™‚

All user with the right ’till 14pm answer will get the points, but the first one will get +5.

Please send your answers to: patrick.plattes@googlemail.com

func cp(u int) float64 {
    c := make(chan float64)
    for p := 0; p <= u; p++ {
        go term(c, float64(p))
    fn := float64(0.0)
    for p := 0; p <= u; p++ {
        fn += <-c
    return fn

func term(c chan float64, h float64) {
    c <- 4 * math.Pow(-1, h) / (2*h + 1)

func main() {

Hint: There exists a board game with the same name, but this was not the reason to give the language this name.

Points got this challenge: 35

Q6: Which programming language is it?

Good morning to all hackers, geeks, nerds and programming languages fetishists πŸ˜€

At first I want to thank you for the last week. It was great for me and I hope it was fun to you too. I’m currently work on getting a prize for the winner of this little quiz, so I have to push Marco to get a positive feedback πŸ™‚ If anyone else want to spend some cool stuff send me a message πŸ˜‰

Please send your answers to: patrick.plattes@googlemail.com

All user with the right answer ’till 14pm will get the points, but the first one will get +5.

Type: full program
10 print β€œhello”
20 goto 10

Hint: Bill Gates wrote a famous letter to the developer community, cause they have β€œstolen” his program

Points got this challenge: -5

Q5: Which programming language is it?

Thank God It’s Friday!

Have a really relaxed weekend, but at first try this challenge πŸ˜€

Please send your answers to: patrick.plattes@googlemail.com

All user with the right answer ’till 14pm will get the points, but the first one will get +5.

Type: full function/method

sort([Pivot|K]) ->
    sort([ B || B <- K, B < Pivot])
    ++ [Pivot] ++
    sort([ B || B <- K, B >= Pivot]);
sort([]) -> [].

Hint: no hint – let’s make it more challenging today 😈

Points for this challenge: 25

[Update]The dot at the end of the last line is important. Sorry for the typo 😳 [/Update]

Q4: Which programming language is it?

β€œThis must be Thursday,’ said Arthur to himself, sinking low over his beer. ‘I never could get the hang of Thursdays.”

At least we have a nice language for this Thursday πŸ™‚

Please send your answers to: patrick.plattes@googlemail.com

All user with the right ’till 14pm answer will get the points, but the first one will get +5.

Type: snippet

Caramel Sauce.

1 cup white sugar
1 cup brown sugar
1 vanilla bean

Put vanilla bean into mixing bowl. Refrigerate.

Hint: the design principal of this language is, programs should be correct and delicious

Points for this challange: 15

Q3: Which programming language is it?

This is an easy one today for all the wizards of operating system history – for everyone else, good luck with: Q3

Please send your answers to: patrick.plattes@googlemail.com

All user with the right ’till 14pm answer will get the points, but the first one will get +5.

Type: full program

call Fib M, "Fibonacci"
    PARSE ARG N, subroutinename
    say subroutinename||"("||N||")"
    i = 3
    a = 1
    b = a
    IF N<1 THEN         say "N("||N||") must be equal or larger than 1"     IF N>=1 THEN
        say "Nr[1] "||a
    IF N>=2 THEN
        say "Nr[2] "||b
    DO WHILE N >= i
        tmp = a
        a = a+b
        b = tmp
        say "Nr["||i||"] "||a
        i = i+1

Hint: This language was created for mainfames, but later ported to an operating system developed by Microsoft and a company that produced card puncher and punch cards in the early days.

Points for this challenge: 20

Q2: Which programming language is it?

Today it’s getting slightly harder. Since it is a full program you can check your answer by using the right compiler/interpreter: Q2

Please send your answers to: patrick.plattes@googlemail.com

All user with the right ’till 14pm answer will get the points, but the first one will get +5.

Type: full program

import std.stdio;
void main()
    writefln("Hello World!");

Hint: The ancestor of this language has literaly the same name as this language when you execute the statement.

Points for this challange: 10

Q1: Which programming language is it?

As I mentioned in the post from Thursday, today I will present the first real Question: Q1

Please send your answers to: patrick.plattes@googlemail.com

All user with the right ’till 14pm answer will get get the points, but the first one will get +5. This has changed from the original post.

colours = ['red','green','blue']
for colour in colours:
    print colour

Hint: This language is famous for a detail you can also see in this little program.

Points for this challange: 5

Which programming language is it?

Hey collegues from all Reply Units πŸ™‚ I Would love to do a small challange the next 10 + x days {x | x ∈ N_0}. And the question is always: β€œWhich programming language is it?” I hope you have fun and I hope to see a lot of other developers here in the company.

I will create a best of list. The first answer will be counted and the given Points will be added to your β€œaccount”. A full program, a typical statement, a compiler/interpreter output or an output of a well known programm written in this language will be presented. Sometimes the answer is _not_ unambiguous, but as log the answer correct and typical for the language you are the winner for today. The callenge will be published each day at 11am (CEST/UTC+0200). Please answer on TamTamy Please send your (nick)name and answer to: patrick.plattes@googlemail.com

Let’s start with the first one, which is simply a test.

Type: full program

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
printf("Hello World\n");
return 0;

Hint: This program was published by Brian W. Kerninghan and Dennis Ritchie 1974

Points for this challenge: 0